Residential Painting Company

Professional Painting Contractors

A renewed exterior will add years and value to your home and nothing achieves that faster than a quality exterior paint update. Flaherty Contracting are professional painting contractors in Greater Boston that work hard to deliver the best possible professional painting services to each of our exterior painting clients. We offer long-lasting exterior paint jobs that make your home look like new. Our professional painting expertise and experience is extensive. Flaherty professional painting services are designed to last for years, withstanding Boston winters, rain, wind and everything in between. Our residential painting company can handle a large variety of different painting projects using the highest quality materials we can source. Every customer gets a skilled and experienced team of painters committed to delivering excellence in workmanship.
Professional painting that adds value to your home requires the expertise and experience that Flaherty professional painting contractors possess. As a residential painting company, Flaherty Contracting provides solutions-based planning that will give your home an updated look while protecting its exterior.

At Flaherty Contracting, Inc., our clients are our highest concern. We want our residential painting services to speak for themselves. We’re a residential painting company that is eager to help Boston homeowners add curb appeal and value to their property. The Flaherty Contracting team stands by our professional painting services and goes over and above to ensure our customers are satisfied. We’ve been able to grow a large list of loyal customers this way, and each of them has experienced the quality and workmanship that comes with Flaherty Contracting expertise. Let us offer you the professional painting services you need. Don’t wait. Give Flaherty painting contractors in Greater Boston a call today.

residential painting company
professional painting contractors

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Flaherty Contracting, Inc is a professional residential contracting company offering bathroom remodels, kitchen remodels, basement remodels, decks, siding, and masonry services throughout Greater Boston. Contact us today and let’s get your project started.

Areas Served

Flaherty Contracting Inc. is a residential contracting company serving the Greater Boston area, and specializing in bathroom remodeling, kitchen remodeling, basement remodeling, decks, siding, and masonry services including walkways, patios, and brick repointing.

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